Tying up loose ends before bed – April 27, 2014

It should come as no surprise that I’m not the least bit tired from today’s activities. Went to a birthday party for a friend of mine’s little girls. The food was great, and the company even better. I slept on the way to Bakersfield and on the way home. Always nice to get an unexpected 2 hour nap. That would certainly explain the extra energy, wouldn’t it? I didn’t go straight home, though.

Picked up Bella and took her to PetSmart because she had been cooped up for 6 or 7 hours. She very much appreciated the fresh air. Always so excited to go to that store too, it’s adorable. Got her a few new toys, after which I hung out with my niece and nephew at their house for a bit. My nephew Brandon is so cute when he calls out my name after seeing me. That kid has so much energy, you’ think he got struck by a lightning bolt in a horrific lab accident. (Yes, that was a reference to The Flash.)

Ran a couple errands for my sister Melanie, who is having a really hard time right now following a botched surgery. She was just going into to have one of her knees fixed and somehow the doctors handling the operation managed to royally screw it up. Melanie was given an anesthetic that she’s allergic to, and aspirated as a result. Now there’s temporary damage to her lungs that require her to use an inhaler (this after she needed to be put on a vent).

She could have died, from vomiting and then some of that crap travelling down to her lungs. It’s a good thing Melanie made it, because now she can sue their asses for pain and suffering. If it were me in her place, I would be calling a lawyer in a heart beat. Got her Dr. Pepper, ice cream, and Reese’s Pieces. She was so grateful. I’m glad I was able to help put a smile on her face.

Since most of the day was spent away from home, not a lot in the way of cleaning was accomplished. Tomorrow I have my work cut out for me with the litter boxes and tub needing to be thoroughly scrubbed. It always hurts my back so bad, so hopefully I can find a way to make those tasks a lot easier. Can’t forget to take out the trash and scrub the fridge. I can sweep and mop in the main part of the apartment, but in the bathroom I can only sweep. Willow’s in there and I don’t want to use any chemicals that could potentially harm her or her kittens.

Apart from what I mentioned, there’s not a whole lot that I have planned. I might watch a couple of Ducks games that I recorded, but that’s about it. Keyword there being “might”. I want to read more of my Twilight Zone book and I need to catch up on The Originals before some of the full episodes are removed from The CW’s website. Plus, I haven’t played Star Wars: The Old Republic in about a month. I kind of miss it.

One thing’s for sure. I am so looking forward to taking a shower once my day of cleaning is over. Then I’ll truly be able to relax.

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